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Interview In A Box
1. Congrats on the new album RED BANDANA! It comes out on June 21, do you have any 'street day' rituals?
3. How did you come to name the new album Red Bandana...what is the significance of this title?
5. Tell me about “Old Friend” & “Kiss That Girl Goodbye”, they rock and appear back to back on the album ...
6. And I get a sense that “Trying Like The Devil” comes from somewhere close to home, it’s introspective...
7. The imagery in “Country Radio” is pretty vivid with a young Aaron, I presume, watching "silhouettes swinging across the wall” as the radio plays. Tell me about how country music shaped your life as a kid and then the significance of writing this song...
9. “58” closes out the album. It’s a 58 second song. I know what it’s about, but tell the listeners, please.
10. Tell me about the live show, you are on the road a lot, how do you keep the show fresh for fans?
14. Did anyone ever pull you aside and say “you’re really good at this. Your friends are ok, but you are really good. You should think about doing this as your career.” Or did you figure into it all on your own?
16. What song, that isn’t yours, do you hear and say to yourself, “I could’ve written that?” Because it’s so perfect for you?